The Benefits of Daily Meditation
Meditation is becoming increasingly popular in the west. The first reason for this is that people are looking for a way to cope with their increasingly stressful lifestyles and a rising urge to find themselves. Secondly, there is a strong emphasis on the practical aspect of meditation. It has sidelined the spiritual focus and the main goal of the activity, which is enlightenment.
Daily meditation has many benefits. Some of these benefits are immediately apparent, others require longer practice. With experience, most of these benefits can become an integral part of your personality and character, because a thing repeated many times becomes a habit.
Every piece of information carries some kind of energetic charge. It carries with it chronic stress, anxiety, a sense of competitiveness, a feeling that others are better, more beautiful, more capable, younger, thinner, the world is evil, unfair, and full of danger… On top of all this, there are endless lists of things to do, bills to pay, people to impress. All this quite literally burns out our brain.
Research by scientists has confirmed that there is one simple and effective remedy for this, which won’t cost you anything: meditation. As little as 10 minutes of daily meditation has been shown to reduce stress levels, improve clarity of thought, decision-making skills, and relieve anxiety.
The Benefits of Daily Meditation
Meditation is becoming increasingly popular in the west. The first reason for this is that people are looking for a way to cope with their increasingly stressful lifestyles and a rising urge to find themselves. Secondly, there is a strong emphasis on the practical aspect of meditation. It has sidelined the spiritual focus and the main goal of the activity, which is enlightenment.
Daily meditation has many benefits. Some of these benefits are immediately apparent, others require longer practice. With experience, most of these benefits can become an integral part of your personality and character, because a thing repeated many times becomes a habit.
Every piece of information carries some kind of energetic charge. It carries with it chronic stress, anxiety, a sense of competitiveness, a feeling that others are better, more beautiful, more capable, younger, thinner, the world is evil, unfair, and full of danger… On top of all this, there are endless lists of things to do, bills to pay, people to impress. All this quite literally burns out our brain.
Research by scientists has confirmed that there is one simple and effective remedy for this, which won’t cost you anything: meditation. As little as 10 minutes of daily meditation has been shown to reduce stress levels, improve clarity of thought, decision-making skills, and relieve anxiety.

Meditation improves and recharges the brain
Meditation leads to a state of calm where regeneration occurs. Scientists have studied that 30 minutes of meditation brings us regeneration on the level of 3 hours of sleep! This explains why people who practice yoga and meditation need less sleep than people who do not.
The answer to fatigue is not sleeping itself, but regeneration. For example, a person who falls asleep after drinking alcohol indeed sleeps but does not regenerate.
Meditation is a state of stillness in which thoughts may arise, but the meditator does not engage his or her attention in them. He or she observes the thoughts as they flow. As a result, the mind gains distance from thoughts and manages them better. This translates into real-life benefits such as making better decisions, without anger or ill ambition.
It is a kind of awareness training for a healthy sense of perspective. We’re not trying to turn off thoughts and feelings. We learn how to observe them with equanimity, and without judgment. Eventually, we begin to understand them better and learn to manage them. In case you’ve been wondering why meditation is important, here’s your answer!

Notice and understand our body’s signals
When we are too busy and stressed, we may not notice the subtle manifestations of our bodies. For example, early symptoms such as tightness, irritation, and heaviness of the body can appear. When we ignore these symptoms, it can lead to much more severe body reactions such as high blood pressure, digestive problems, and many illnesses that are the result of long-term stress.
Meditation is all about self-awareness. It helps us become aware of what the body is trying to communicate about our health, emotions, and well-being. With mindfulness and awareness, we can prevent them right away before diseases develop.
Meditation literally changes our brain. Brain scans have shown that, when subjected to systematic meditation, the brain clearly increases activity in many of its areas that affect decision-making, emotional regulation, and memory. This is why meditation works.
Decades of intensive scientific research have shown conclusive evidence that through meditation we truly are able to change our bodies, and our minds, our lives, and the turnings of our fate. Our past, present, and future.
Join thousands of meditators in the Yogilab community. We offer online meditation retreats for free every month and run weekly, live Q&As by meditation expert and ex-monk David Hans-Barker as well as monthly challenges, a meditation for the day, guides to different meditating methods, daily reflections and meditations, and more. Let’s push each other to be better, happier humans with meditation every day!
Meditation improves and recharges the brain
Meditation leads to a state of calm where regeneration occurs. Scientists have studied that 30 minutes of meditation brings us regeneration on the level of 3 hours of sleep! This explains why people who practice yoga and meditation need less sleep than people who do not.
The answer to fatigue is not sleeping itself, but regeneration. For example, a person who falls asleep after drinking alcohol indeed sleeps but does not regenerate.
Meditation is a state of stillness in which thoughts may arise, but the meditator does not engage his or her attention in them. He or she observes the thoughts as they flow. As a result, the mind gains distance from thoughts and manages them better. This translates into real-life benefits such as making better decisions, without anger or ill ambition.
It is a kind of awareness training for a healthy sense of perspective. We’re not trying to turn off thoughts and feelings. We learn how to observe them with equanimity, and without judgment. Eventually, we begin to understand them better and learn to manage them. In case you’ve been wondering why meditation is important, here’s your answer!

Notice and understand our body’s signals
When we are too busy and stressed, we may not notice the subtle manifestations of our bodies. For example, early symptoms such as tightness, irritation, and heaviness of the body can appear. When we ignore these symptoms, it can lead to much more severe body reactions such as high blood pressure, digestive problems, and many illnesses that are the result of long-term stress.
Meditation is all about self-awareness. It helps us become aware of what the body is trying to communicate about our health, emotions, and well-being. With mindfulness and awareness, we can prevent them right away before diseases develop.
Meditation literally changes our brain. Brain scans have shown that, when subjected to systematic meditation, the brain clearly increases activity in many of its areas that affect decision-making, emotional regulation, and memory. This is why meditation works.
Decades of intensive scientific research have shown conclusive evidence that through meditation we truly are able to change our bodies, and our minds, our lives, and the turnings of our fate. Our past, present, and future.
Join thousands of meditators in the Yogilab community. We offer online meditation retreats for free every month and run weekly, live Q&As by meditation expert and ex-monk David Hans-Barker as well as monthly challenges, a meditation for the day, guides to different meditating methods, daily reflections and meditations, and more. Let’s push each other to be better, happier humans with meditation every day!