A one minute meditation is still a meditation
One minute meditations are becoming popular among people who are in a hurry and don’t have time to meditate or who feel unable to practice. At Yogilab, we do not condemn one minute meditation, but we approach it from a different angle. We see it as a continuation of something bigger. As an opportunity to stay connected to yourself throughout the day, and from anywhere. It’s about making everything a meditation!
Lack of time is often cited as a reason for not practicing or for giving up meditation. But it becomes easy to integrate meditation into your life when you allow yourself to practice it for shorter periods of time. Sit for a minute when you wake up or before going to bed, just before going to a meeting, in the car, or in the waiting room. 60 seconds during which you consciously choose to stop time and focus your awareness on your feelings or on the rhythm of your breathing.

Reap the benefits of your mini meditation
By practicing it often, as soon as you have the opportunity or feel the need, and especially without feeling guilty for not being able to devote more time to it, you will soon experience tangible benefits in your daily life. You will feel less stressed, calmer, more centered, with a clearer mind, a heightened awareness of yourself and others and a greater openness to the world around you.
First, start by getting away from all noise and all people. If you can’t do it physically, distance yourself mentally. This is time for you, and certainly not time to respond to new stimuli. You must dedicate one minute, one minute only, one-sixtieth of an hour, one thousand four hundred and fortieth of a day! Use the countdown timer on your cell phone or a timer to be notified when the 1 minute is up.
All you need to do is sit with your feet firmly planted on the ground so that they provide you with support and stability. Keep yourself upright, but not stiff. Place your hands on your knees, palm up or down. It doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t need to consciously hold them. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, nothing else. Ideas and images will come up and interfere with your concentration, but that’s okay. When you become aware of them, let them go and come back to your only preoccupation during this mindful minute: your breathing. It’s as simple as that, and it’s very effective.
Once you have practiced short mindfulness meditation several times, you will see that you will be much more efficient and you will want to prolong this 1 minute.
A one minute meditation is still a meditation
One minute meditations are becoming popular among people who are in a hurry and don’t have time to meditate or who feel unable to practice. At Yogilab, we do not condemn one minute meditation, but we approach it from a different angle. We see it as a continuation of something bigger. As an opportunity to stay connected to yourself throughout the day, and from anywhere. It’s about making everything a meditation!
Lack of time is often cited as a reason for not practicing or for giving up meditation. But it becomes easy to integrate meditation into your life when you allow yourself to practice it for shorter periods of time. Sit for a minute when you wake up or before going to bed, just before going to a meeting, in the car, or in the waiting room. 60 seconds during which you consciously choose to stop time and focus your awareness on your feelings or on the rhythm of your breathing.
Sitting for one minute is already practicing meditation. It will be intense if you play the game. Then, it will become a real game-changer in your life if you dedicate yourself fully to it. In one minute, you will not have the leisure to daydream. You will have to concentrate fully, very intensely. And if you have never meditated, this will be a new skill for you.
Reap the benefits of your mini meditation
By practicing it often, as soon as you have the opportunity or feel the need, and especially without feeling guilty for not being able to devote more time to it, you will soon experience tangible benefits in your daily life. You will feel less stressed, calmer, more centered, with a clearer mind, a heightened awareness of yourself and others and a greater openness to the world around you.